New Governance Challenges for Board Members in Europe

Durée :

Programme sur 1 jour à Bruxelles

Tarifs :

: 1000 € / module

Votre contact

Alexandra Courel 

Programmes courts

07 43 16 13 20

ecoDa* has developed a European module for directors and supervisory board members seeking to gain a European perspective on board functioning and corporate governance.
The training programme is targeted at directors with a cross-border mandate in their board activities or looking for such a mandate. Anyone seeking to update their knowledge of recent EU policy developments in the field of corporate governance will also benefit from the module.


  • To adapt the knowledge and experience of board members gained at National level to the European level, and to provide insight into the latest European developments in Corporate Governance
  • To create a European network of individual board members and to develop a European pool of board members
  • To provide the skillset that will assist board members in winning board mandates in other European countries
  • To exchange best European board practices
  • Understanding National differences in terms of Corporate Governance, and the functions and duties of board members in differing European countries
  • Benefiting from the feedback and know-how of board members with significant experience of cross-border board mandates in Europe
  • Gaining an overview of the EU decisionmaking process, particularly in relation to corporate governance
  • Updating participants on recent European developments in Corporate Governance.

Les prochaines sessions

  • Accountancy Europe Avenue d'Auderghem 22/28/8 1040 Brussels
  • The Dialogue Between Boards and Stakeholders 25/10/2024
  • Audits Committees 18/10/2024
  • Climate & Sustainability 23/10/2024
Nos formations sont éligibles au titre du plan de formation de l’entreprise et peuvent bénéficier d’une participation financière des OPCA de branches.