Digital Security and governance guide

In a world where digital transformation is at the core of most corporate governance strategies, the French Institute of Directors (IFA) published a guide entitled "Digital security and governance".

This guide is the result of a dedicated working group of the Audit Committee Chairs Club (Club des présidents de comité d'audit), and is a must-read for managers and directors seeking to efficiently navigate a constantly evolving and complex digital environment.

Through in-depth analysis, case studies and practical recommendations, this guide addresses crucial cybersecurity and data governance challenges, offering clear guidelines to ensure that digital assets are strategically managed and properly protected by companies and their boards.

By emphasizing the crucial importance of digital security in decision-making and risk monitoring, IFA provides boards with the tools they need to ensure their organizations' resilience and durability in today's digital age.

>> Download the French version of this guide

Digital Security and governance guide
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Digital Security and governance guide
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